Landscaping Makes Cents
When making decisions of how much and when to invest in our landscape, how often do we consider the return on our investment? It has been reported that landscape improvement resale value is often 1.2 times the initial investment. Kent Gordon England last week shared that many of the homes that invested in his hardscape design and installations were on the market for one day. One day! However, if it’s your own home, perhaps your primary motivations are to improve the aesthetics, the functionality, the safety, the edible and aromatic gifts, or even the fun of the landscape.
Whatever your motivation, there is no one right reason for justifying landscape improvements; rather, there are many! When made with good intent, proper reasoning and a creative flair, an appropriate landscape investment will not only allow you to recoup at least the initial investment amount (plus inflation value), but to also save on operations and maintenance costs starting today.
There are many reasons, so let’s start with this one. Think back to your favorite peach, or orange, or whatever your favorite fruit is, and envision biting into it at its absolute sweetness and juiciness, having just picked it straight from the tree at maximum ripeness. Now think about that last store bought fruit, picked green on the tree, six weeks before it was ripe, and you bit into it after a long freighter voyage. Moral of the story, planting a tree today will produce its destiny for you, and for those who follow.
How about summer cooling and winter heating bills, every month, every year? Real costs—with bills, that keep coming. Are you aware that properly selected and placed trees can significantly reduce these ongoing costs? For example, a tall deciduous tree, that flowers beautifully and attracts birds, can also shade your home during the hottest time of the day, during the sometimes brutal summer and fall months, thereby reducing your purchased cooling energy. And, when winter comes around, the leaves drop, allowing the natural heating properties of the suns rays to warm your home (and reduce heating costs too).
And don’t forget privacy screening, spring blossoms, pottage (kitchen herb and vegetable) gardens—all landscape features that not only improve the long term, but also improve your family’s lives during the immediate term. Create a list and include all landscape opportunities and constraints, then include possible solutions. Next prioritize and start implementing today, for the fruits of your labor will be enjoyed (and valued) well into the future!

Wilson Environmental Contracting, Inc. (WEC) is a locally owned, fully licensed, and insured landscape design, build, and maintenance company. Please visit for more information about innovative sustainable landscapes, or call 805-957-4729.