Partnering with Whole Foods Market on “Grow Food. Save Money" Seminar
The winter season in Santa Barbara, the perfect time to plant food. WilsonEnv will guide people on the process of creating their very own Home Food Forest� (HFF).
Goleta Honors its Beauty and Urban Forests
Each month Goleta Valley Beautiful highlights a single-family residence and business for its attractive qualities and what it adds aesthetically to the community.
Rainwater Innovation Featured at LA Expo
Daniel Wilson from Wilson Environmental Contracting, Inc. (WEC) will be holding a conference on March 30, 2012 at the LA Expo for Landscape Architects, Specifiers, & Design Professionals.
WilsonEnv Offering Rain/Greywater Classes in Long Beach
Upcoming seminars, Oct.12th in Long Beach: Rainwater and Greywater
1. CA-Legal Greywater (9:30 - 11:00 AM)
2. Rainwater Harvesting Overview (12:00 - 2:00 PM)